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Direction artistique de l’espace DMEXCO, dans le respect des délais et budgets.
Préparation des fichiers à imprimer.
Spain 2022
Design de tous les espaces Huawei pour le Mobile World Congress. Ecrans de veille, espace d’expositions. Design du Huawei Café et Huawei Office.
HUAWEIHealth Event
Creation of all event collaterals for campaigns and product launches through Europe. This is House Of Huawei, the event that launched our Huawei Health Campaign.
Création de tous les supports événementiels pour les campagnes et les lancements de produits à travers l'Europe. Il s'agit de House Of Huawei, l'événement qui a lancé notre campagne Huawei Health.
Création des posts réseaux sociaux pour Mo farah.

Here are some pictures of decorations I made for press events and photoshoots.
Those Jellyfish are made from upcycled plastic and paper. The big cut outs are made of light foam board and we used them also for our spring-summer 2020 photoshoot.
Ces méduses sont fabriquées à partir de plastique et de papier recyclés. Les grandes découpes sont en carton mousse léger et nous les avons également utilisées pour notre séance photo printemps-été 2020.
Upcycled Jellyfish made of plastic bags and paper.
The idea was to give a dreamy ocean atmosphere for the press event. I created this installation for the occasion

(Photo shows the work in progress) Parents and children could then walk amongst the jellyfish and touch the tentacles.

I had to create an influencer photo wall without any budget. I used an old colorama, some cut outs we used on the photoshoot, and biodegradable balloons. The logo is cut out in left over foam board.

We up-cycled the photoshoot's props to recreate an "under the sea" theme.

Photoshoot set before children storm.

Photshoot Swimwear 2020

Protective swimwear made of recycled plastic - I used the patterns of the clothes to create simple cutout of seaweeds and whales.

The white background made the clothes stand out while giving an "under the sea" magic atmosphere.
Babyccino Pop Up- stickers and staging
Stickers for the office windows.

Stickers for the office windows.